Please consider an investment in the MirYam Institute via a charitable bequest.

+ Charitable Bequest

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest and most flexible ways in which you can leave a gift to the MirYam Institute, thereby ensuring that Israel’s Future remains in Israel’s Hands.

Benefits of a bequest:

By making a charitable bequest, you could:

  • Receive an estate tax charitable deduction.
  • Reduce the burden of taxes on your family.
  • Leave a lasting legacy to the MirYam Institute.

+ How a Bequest Works

A charitable bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. By consulting with your attorney, you can include language in your will or trust, specifying that you wish to leave a gift to the MirYam Institute as part of your estate plan. A bequest can also be made using a beneficiary designation form.

+ Here are Some of the Ways You Can Leave a Bequest to The MirYam Institute

  • Name the MirYam Institute as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.
  • Include a bequest to the MirYam Institute in your will or revocable trust.
  • Designate the MirYam Institute as a full, partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account whether it’s an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or pension plan.

+ Different Ways A Bequest Can Be Made

Percentage bequest - make a gift as a percentage of your estate.

Specific bequest - make a gift of a specific dollar amount or a specific asset.

Residual bequest - make a gift from the balance or residue of your estate.

Please Contact Us If You Have Additional Questions

If you have any questions about leaving a bequest to the MirYam Institute, please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you. If you have decided to include a bequest to the MirYam Institute as part of your estate plan, please take the time to let us know via or any of the contact details listed here.

We would like to thank you and your family for your generosity.

The information provided herewith is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisors should be obtained. Consult an attorney for advice if your plans require revision of a will or another document.

+ Questions

If you have any questions about gifts of stocks and bonds, please contact Mr. Eric Rubin, Financial Legacy & Giving Coordinator at The MirYam Institute via this link.

Eric will be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.

The information provided herewith is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisors should be obtained. The information provided herewith is not intended as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisors should be obtained.